2008年12月18日 星期四

VC9 SP1 Hotfix For The vector> Crash

今天在Visual C++ Team Blog 看到 這一篇,官方有針對VC9 的SP1釋出一個修正檔,主要是根據這邊的bug list修正了底下5個問題

1. function<FT>::swap() was broken by the Small Functor Optimization in VC9 TR1 (the Feature Pack). This broke vector<function<FT>> in VC9 SP1. "Broken" meant "compiling but crashing".

2. vector<pair<X, string>> nonconformantly required X to have a default constructor. (This is a specific example of a general bug: vector<pair<string, X>>, vector<pair<X, vector<int>>>, etc. were also affected.)

3. vector<tuple<X, Y, string>> nonconformantly required X and Y to have default constructors. (This is a specific example of a general bug, see above.)

4. vector<array<X, N>> nonconformantly required X to have a default constructor.

5. Random distributions were broken, triggering infinite loops and emitting bogus results.

假如你有安裝VC9 sp1的話,可以更新一下 :)


1. Visual C++ Team Blog

2. VC9 SP1 Hotfix For The vector> Crash

3. TR1 fixes in VC9 SP1



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